Leadership Essentials

The Art of Thoughtful Delegation


At first, delegation can feel like much more of a hassle than it’s worth to you. But that’s short-term thinking. Getting work done through others is what successful leaders do. Jack Welsh, the well-known former CEO, asked himself which of the top 2-3 tasks on his priority list he could accomplish especially well. He focused [...]

Firm Foundation in the Face of Disruption


It’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed with change that disrupts all we hold as familiar in our daily activities. Yet, change is inevitable. It will always come — in different ways, in different seasons. Some more drastic and life-changing than others. It’s how we lead through change and handle the disruption that counts. Rather than [...]

Strengthen Trust for Better Results


Trust is the foundation of all successful professional relationships. A study by ADP found that a worker is 12 times more likely to be fully engaged if he or she trusts the team leader. Trust means having confidence in someone or something. Think about it, when you trust someone, doesn’t it reflect the confidence you [...]

4 Questions to Ask Before Making a Tough Decision


"Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide." ~ Napoleon Bonaparte You hold decision-making power at some level if you’re a leader in your organization. And, as a leader, people will look to you to help make decisions. But what if you’re struggling with a decision? How do you [...]

Self-leadership: A Leadership Must Have


There are many facets to being a great leader. One key element is self-leadership or the ability to lead yourself well. It stands as a ‘must-have’ for all leaders. This is the ability to influence and motivate yourself on an ongoing basis. Without this, you will struggle to lead and mobilize others toward a common goal. [...]

The Balancing Act of Leading Well

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Most people instinctively know that balance is a good thing. Sometimes it’s OK to be slightly out of balance — if it’s short-term — because there is an ebb and flow to life. But, when out of balance long-term, there’s eventually a break, a snap or a shift that signifies a bigger problem. This raises [...]

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