It’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed with change that disrupts all we hold as familiar in our daily activities.

Yet, change is inevitable. It will always come — in different ways, in different seasons. Some more drastic and life-changing than others. It’s how we lead through change and handle the disruption that counts.

Rather than focusing on the unknown, the big or small things that you can’t control, focus on what you can control.  You can control how you show up as a leader.

Your Foundation

Leaders strive to be calm, cool and collected in changing circumstances. Significant change requires you to be decisive, unifying, and showing up each day with strength and confidence to tackle the issues of the moment.

To maintain a high level of operation, it is vitally important to tend to self-care.

Many people and circumstances always pull at leaders for their attention. To avoid devastating burnout, it’s helpful to take at least a few minutes each day to focus on these three areas of self-care:

  1. Physical. Be conscious of what you are doing to keep healthy at this time. What are you eating, how you are moving or exercising, what are you reading or watching?
  2. Mental and Emotional. Set your mind on what is positive. Focus on the things you are thankful for at work or at home. Change your perspective from thinking ‘the glass is half empty’ to ‘the glass is half full’. It is being intentional about what you set your mind on.
  3. Spiritual. Connect with the Spirit. Spend time in quiet reflection on what is true, noble, right and admirable. Think about things worthy of praise.

Remember, as a leader, you set the example for those that are looking to you for guidance. When you show you’re taking care of yourself, it gives those you lead the freedom to do the same. It helps you expand your thinking and see the possibilities. Without self-care, it’s so easy to get into a place that’s not helpful to you or others, and it may create even greater challenges.

You cannot change the circumstances, but you can change how you show up.

Lead from Strength

When you’ve taken care of yourself, face forward and consider how you will navigate this unusual time. Here are a couple of ideas on how to manage and lead your people through change effectively.

  • Communicate as much relevant information as you’re able and as frequently as possible. Be transparent, clear and consistent with your message. Communicate in video, through the written word, in groups and one on one. Use whatever technology tools are available to you as people respond to different media better than others.
  • Be available to connect with your people. Talk with them, encourage them, and praise their heroic efforts. Listen to their concerns without assuming you already know what they are, show empathy. This is a unique opportunity to build deeper trust with your team.

As a leader, it’s your time to rise up and be bold as you navigate this Coronavirus crisis. You’ve got this!

Take it Forward

What personal adjustments might you need to make this week?